
Who we're looking for

  • You’re under 25 years old.
  • You’re passionate about data collection and interpretation, especially in connection to solving a problem.
  • You find it easy to self-organize.
  • You’re creative and proactive. 
  • You have a knowledge in working with quantitative and qualitative research methods and you know how to transform data into easy-to-digest visuals.
  • You can easily communicate offline as well as online. 
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What you will do

  • Conduct interviews with target markets and potential users of the startups being built in our studio.
  • Interpret and visualize the data collected to better inform team members of the next steps in the project. 
  • Participate in planning and design of the app/platform/website with members from Ui/UX teams.
  • Find creative solutions to technical problems/limitations and propose better ways to fulfill the requirments.
  • Communicate and report your work to the team members.

Why you should join

  • Your time is your own. You don’t have a fixed schedule, just a deadline to respect. When and where you you achieve that is 100% your business. 
  • You get paid. More specifically, you can earn between 15 to 30 euros per hour. We don’t have a minimum amount of hours you have to put in, and we don’t have a maximum either.
  • You get to learn early-on how a start-up/business is built and can even start your own internally with us.
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You shouldn't join if

  • You’re looking for stable income. We have projects that succeed and we have projects that fail, and that affects pay directly.
  • You work best in structured environments. Our type of work also includes a lot of unstructured chaos, and you will have to make sense of it and solve the situation.
  • You’re not really passionate about making the world a better place. All of our members are highly-motivated about our vision and mission. Learn more about them in our code of conduct.